We pulled over on some cliffs just as we were entering the valley. The winds were so strong they whipped the doors right out of our hands. It buffeted us around and it was hard to maintain good footing. Death Valley stretched before us in a vast expanse of nothing. There were few shrubs but mostly dirt and rock and a scattering of sand dunes. The only thing we could see for miles was the road in front of us. The emptiness was startling and bleak but starkly beautiful in its own way. And so we continued on into the heart of the Valley. (Where, by the way, gas was $4.39!!! *agog and aghast all at the same time*)
The heat was insane. Shirts were discarded and the windows were opened to their fullest to maximize the wind since A/C use was discouraged. (Something about it potentially overheating the car…?) It ripped into the car in a deafening rush and tried to tear loose everything that wasn’t battened down. Angry that all it could do was mess up my hair that was already wretched to begin with, it did its best to push the car off the road like a thwarted bully. Matt did a good job keeping us on the road. *laughs* It was FUN!!
We made a quick stop at Stovepipe Wells where the elevation was at a lofty 5 feet and the temperature peaked at ONE HUNDRED AND NINE! *sweating like crazy* We continued onward past the Devil’s Cornfield and passed by the lowest point on the California Highway System, 242 feet below sea level. Even though Death Valley seemed a monochromatic visual wasteland when we first arrived, it began to take on more life as we drove through. From vivid red dirt to tired green shrubs along with mustard colored rock formations, there was something about Death Valley that was captivating.
When we finally emerged, we were STARVING! *stomachs growling ominously* Although we had generally agreed that we wouldn’t be eating fast food on this trip but the sun was already starting to set and we didn’t really have the time or a place to stop to make anything. The two options offered in Pahrump (which was the town we were in) was either casino buffets or a variety of fast food. We were hungry but we weren’t THAT hungry so Sonic it was! *drool* And there was a fantastic sunset as well. Then we were motoring on down the road into Las Vegas.
For a while I was wondering why the sun hadn’t completely set since it was getting well into nighttime when Matt said the glow off the hills were actually the lights of Vegas. *agog* We hadn’t planned on making a stop there because we were more interested in getting to the Grand Canyon. But I had never been to Las Vegas before so since we were already there, we decided to cruise down the strip a couple times so I could see all the fabulous hotels. To my dismay, my camera had difficulty capturing the night lights so I don’t have any pictures. *cries*
(I stole this picture off someone's website... *GUILT!!)
You guys really sound like you are having fun... I'm jealous! Love, Jamie
Um, yeah- where the heck are you waldo and carmen sandiego? :) it's been nine whole days???i'm beginning to worry. did ya make it out of the hurricane/tornado okay?
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